ICRF has awarded more than $98 million in funding to support over 2,800 grants to outstanding cancer researchers at all leading institutions in Israel as well as collaborative research partnerships between Israeli and North American investigators. Many of our grantees are responsible for major cancer research breakthroughs and discoveries.

Recipient(s) Institution Grant Type Research Topics Grant Status
Raphael Benhamou, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Research Career Development Award Targeted Therapies, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Women’s Cancers Active
Itai Benhar, PhD Tel Aviv University Project Grant Immunology and Immunotherapy, Leukemia, Lymphoma Active
Michael Berger, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Project Grant Cancer Treatment, Immunology and Immunotherapy Active
Galia Blum, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Project Grant Immunology and Immunotherapy, Lung Cancer Active
Yosef Buganim, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Project Grant Breast Cancer, Cancer Stem Cells Active
Tal Burstyn-Cohen, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Project Grant Brain Cancer, Cancer Treatment, Inhibiting Tumor Growth Active
Chen Buxbaum, MD Rambam Health Care Campus Neuroblastoma Project Grant Neuroblastoma Active
Aaron Ciechanover, MD, DSc Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Research Professorship Grant Multiple Myeloma Active
Merav Cohen, PhD Tel Aviv University Research Career Development Award Breast Cancer, Early Detection, Immunology and Immunotherapy, Women’s Cancers Active
Haim Cohen, PhD Bar-Ilan University Aging & Cancer Int’l Collaboration Grant Aging Active