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Welcome to ICRF’S Connecticut Chapter!

Like you, I am concerned about cancer – for myself, my family and ultimately for all of us. No one wants to be a standby in this challenge. Join me and other Nutmeggers to do what it takes to finally get past this fearful disease. Our Israeli scientists have both the brain power and motivation to battle for all of us.

They lack one essential ingredients…yes, you know, sufficient funds. And that’s where you and ICRF come together.

We all know that there are many fine organizations in the U.S. that raise money for cancer research. We are thrilled that they are doing that and wish fervently that their efforts will be fruitful.

With your support of ICRF, you not only align yourself with some of the world’s most innovative, insightful researchers, you also align yourself with Israel. You are ensuring that Israel retains these phenomenal minds and not lose them to lack of funds.

To quote Professor Yoav Henis of Tel Aviv University “…the thirst for resources makes Israeli scientists more innovative by necessity, having to keep devising novel and cheaper ways to achieve their goals.” Israel scientists are doing their part, may we count on you to do yours?

This is a partnership between Israel, the U.S. and the rest of the world to rid us of this menace.

I look forward to your participation and meeting you at one of our Connecticut events. Do reach out to me with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you.

David Kweskin
Director, ICRF Connecticut Chapter

  • Upcoming Events
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There are no upcoming events scheduled for ICRF Connecticut.

All Events
  • Chair

    Jerry Silber

  • Executive Committee

    Jerry Silber
    Andrew Bein
    Leslie Freedman, PhD
    Lorraine Kweskin
    David Kweskin
    Roz Mangot

  • Board Members

    Justin Battaglia
    Stuart Berni
    Bran Berni
    Carol Brewer
    Allen Hindin, DDS
    Debby Hindin
    Peggy Kalter
    Fran Landy
    Melanie Massell
    Anne Peskin, PhD
    Dena Schulman-Green, PhD
    Paula Shulman
    Caroline Temlock-Teichman, EdD

  • Physicians Honorary Advisory Council

    Burton Rubin, MD

    Neil Dreyer, MD
    Joe Feuerstein, MD
    Malcolm Galen, MD
    Howard Hochster, MD
    Shara Israel, MD
    Ted Listokin, MD

Help End the Suffering Caused By Cancer

The answer to cancer is research. Support groundbreaking cancer research in Israel today: