ICRF has awarded more than $98 million in funding to support over 2,800 grants to outstanding cancer researchers at all leading institutions in Israel as well as collaborative research partnerships between Israeli and North American investigators. Many of our grantees are responsible for major cancer research breakthroughs and discoveries.

Recipient(s) Institution Grant Type Research Topics Grant Status
Yaara Oren, PhD Tel Aviv University Research Career Development Award Cancer Biology, Cancer Treatment, Drug Resistance Active
Oren Parnas, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Acceleration Grant Metastasis, Microenvironment, Pancreatic Cancer Active
Ruth Perets, MD, PhD Rambam Health Care Campus Beverley Librach Abshez Initiative for Ovarian and Female Reproductive System Cancers Experimental Therapeutics, Ovarian and Uterine Cancer Active
Avi Priel, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Brause Family Initiative for Quality of Life Grant Cancer Pain, Cannabinoids, Clinical and Translational Research, Drug Mechanisms and Development, Inflammation and Cancer, Pain Management, Quality of Life Active
Michal Rabani, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Acceleration Grant Cancer Diagnostics, Cancer Treatment Active
Yitzhak Reizel, PhD Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Research Career Development Award Genetics and Genomics Active
Ronit Satchi-Fainaro, PhD Tel Aviv University Research Professorship Grant Brain Cancer, Breast Cancer, Cancer Metastasis, Immunology and Immunotherapy, Lung Cancer, Nanotechnology Active
Gideon Schreiber, PhD Weizmann Institute of Science Project Grant Leukemia Active
Thomas Schultheiss, MD, PhD Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Project Grant Cancer Metastasis, Cancer Stem Cells Active
Yuval Shaked, PhD Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Project Grant Brain Cancer, Cancer Treatment, Immunology and Immunotherapy, Metastasis Active