Apply For A Research Grant


ICRF stands with Israel and hopes that peace will come back to its citizens soon.

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Please note:

  • Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) supports basic, translational, and clinical cancer research. All research must be conducted in Israel, except in the case of clearly-identified, international collaborative grants. To apply for an ICRF grant, an investigator must be a citizen of Israel (proof of Israeli citizenship must be furnished upon request).
  • The Postdoctoral Fellowship grant category has been discontinued.
  • ICRF funds cannot be used for salary of the PI or Co-Investigators, for clerical or other administrative expenses, for overhead charges, or for work performed outside of Israel.

To View, Save, or Print the most recent General Policies Governing ICRF Grants, Click Here

Details on the ICRF grant categories that were open for new applications for the 2025-2026 funding year are listed below:


Graciously supported by an anonymous donor, this special ICRF research grant initiative has been established to encourage outstanding investigators in Israel to focus on and expand their research in cancers occurring in children, leading to a better understanding of pediatric cancers, new treatments and, ultimately, higher survival rates and reduced treatment and tumor-related morbidity. These grants are intended to support the research of established Israeli investigators working at institutions in Israel. Often, pediatric cancer specialists work as part of a multidisciplinary team to coordinate care. Applications that utilize interdisciplinary approaches with collaborating Israeli co-investigators are encouraged, but not required. Awarded grants will be for a period of three (3) years with a funding level of $80,000 per year, as determined by the Scientific Review Panel and the availability of funds.  It is anticipated that one (1) grant will be awarded, but additional grants under this special initiative may be awarded, should the application scores warrant it.

In order to apply for this special grant category, a Letter of Intent (LOI) is required. The LOI should be submitted via ProposalCentral.  The deadline for LOI submission is: Monday, November 18, 2024, 12PM ESTIf you are invited to apply, you may not submit any additional grant applications to ICRF as PI for the 2025-2026 funding year.

To View, Save, or Print the Pediatric Initiative Grant Policies, click here


The mission of the ICRF is to support world-class research of high scientific merit and clear potential significance for advancing the understanding, diagnosis, or treatment of cancer. Some of the most exciting science does not start out with eventual success assured, but emerges from a high-risk/high-yield project carried out by creative and dedicated investigators. Acceleration Grants encourage innovative approaches by investigators pioneering new ways of addressing significant questions. While preliminary data are not required, they are useful in evaluating an application. ICRF Acceleration Grants are intended to support the research of established investigators. The grant is made to an institution with the understanding that it will support a specific project under the direction of a designated principal investigator. ICRF support under this grant category will only be given to Israeli institutions for work in Israel.  Awarded grants will be for a period of two (2) years, with a funding level of $70,000 per year.

In order to apply for the Acceleration Grants Category, a Letter of Intent (LOI) is required. The LOI should be submitted via ProposalCentral.  The deadline for LOI submission is: Monday, November 18, 2024, 12PM ESTA limited number of applicants whose Letters of Intent are deemed most meritorious will be invited to submit full research proposals and compete for the available grants. (Acceleration grants are not renewable.)

To View, Save, or Print the Acceleration Grant Policies, click here


Clinical Research Career Development Awards (CRCDAs) are designed to enable early-career medical or pediatric oncologists with clear research potential to participate in mentored post-fellowship research training that will provide a strong foundation for a career in clinical research. CRCDAs are available to investigators in the formative phase of their careers who have demonstrated outstanding potential for contribution to clinical cancer research as independent investigators and who will benefit by additional mentored experience in a scientific environment that is conducive to the development of an independent research career. A candidate must have an MD degree and at least two years of fellowship training in oncology, including medical or pediatric hematology-oncology or a related oncologic specialty, but not more than five years of subsequent relevant professional experience prior to the start date of requested funding. CRCDAs are limited to a single support period of three (3) years at a maximum stipend of $45,000 per year. (CRCDAs are not renewable.)

To View, Save, or Print the CRCDA Policies, click here


Research Career Development Awards (RCDAs) are designed to enhance the research capabilities of young Israeli scientists in the formative phase of their careers who have demonstrated outstanding potential for contribution to cancer research as independent investigators. RCDAs are available to investigators with clear research potential who will benefit by additional mentored experience in a scientific environment that is conducive to the development of an independent research career. A candidate must have a doctoral degree and at least three (3) years of postdoctoral fellowship or equivalent experience, hold an independent junior position at an Israeli institution, and be within five (5) years of initial appointment to that position at the start date of requested funding. Awards are made for three (3) years at a maximum stipend of $45,000 per year. (RCDAs are not renewable.)

To View, Save, or Print the RCDA Policies, click here


Project Grants provide funding for projects of high scientific merit and clear potential significance for advancing the understanding, diagnosis, or treatment of cancer. Project Grants are intended to support the research of established investigators working in areas in which they have demonstrated expertise. The applicant must be an independent investigator who has demonstrated ability to lead a research team, as evident in the Biosketch and Publication Record. Multi-investigator applications and interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged, but not required. Applications must focus on questions related to human cancer that are supported by strong published or preliminary data and provide a solid foundation for future progress. Funding priority is typically given to projects with potential to impact prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of cancer in the next 5-10 years. Proposals that are high-risk/high-yield because they lack preliminary data, established resources, or depend on only a tenuous link to human cancer, should be submitted as Acceleration Grants, not Project Grants. Awards are made for three (3) years at a maximum stipend of $60,000 per year. (Current Project Grant recipients are encouraged to reapply for continued funding of the same project. Ideally, this should be done during the final year of the award so that, if selected, the new grant will begin upon completion of the old.)

To View, Save, or Print the Project Grant Policies, click here


ICRF Research Professorship grants recognize accomplished investigators whose research has significant impact on our understanding of cancer, and whose extended commitment to fundamental issues in cancer are an inspiration to others — scientists and non-scientists alike. Applicants must hold the rank of Full Professor or equivalent and must have carried out research for at least eight years since receiving the PhD, MD, or MD/PhD degree. Grants are awarded for five (5) years at a maximum stipend of $100,000 per year.

ICRF has adopted a new process for Research Professorship grant applications. These applications have three components:

  1. Apply for a 3-year Project Grant, using ICRF’s online application form in ProposalCentral.
  2. Describe your research objectives for Years 4 and 5 of Research Professorship funding.
  3. Describe your qualifications for an ICRF Research Professorship.

If the Project Grant application receives a competitive priority score, but the Research Professorship application is not funded, the Project Grant will be funded instead (depending upon availability of funds).

Receipt of a Research Professorship grant is ICRF’s highest honor. While these grants are renewable, it is important to understand that ICRF is only able to award a limited number of Research Professorship grants annually, in order to ensure our continued ability to support a diverse cancer research portfolio of excellent scientists at all levels. Therefore, past receipt of an ICRF Research Professorship grant does not guarantee renewed funding at this level.

To View, Save, or Print the Research Professorship Grant Policies, click here