ICRF has awarded more than $98 million in funding to support over 2,800 grants to outstanding cancer researchers at all leading institutions in Israel as well as collaborative research partnerships between Israeli and North American investigators. Many of our grantees are responsible for major cancer research breakthroughs and discoveries.

Recipient(s) Institution Grant Type Research Topics Grant Status
Meir Shamay, PhD Bar-Ilan University Project Grant Blood Cancers, Drug Mechanisms and Development, Lymphoma, Sarcoma Active
Yoav Shaul, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Project Grant Breast Cancer, Cancer Metastasis Active
Efrat Shema, PhD Weizmann Institute of Science Acceleration Grant Brain Tumors, Pediatric Cancer, Brain Cancer, Pediatric Cancer Active
Julia Shifman, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Project Grant Drug Discovery, Protein Engineering Active
Eric Shifrut, PhD Tel Aviv University Research Career Development Award Immunology and Immunotherapy Active
Liran Shlush, MD, PhD Weizmann Institute of Science Project Grant Leukemia Active
Ofer Shoshani, PhD Weizmann Institute of Science Research Career Development Award Genomic Instability Active
Reuven Stein, PhD Tel Aviv University Project Grant Brain Cancer, Cancer Metastasis Active
Ravid Straussman, MD, PhD Weizmann Institute of Science The ICRF – Mark Foundation for Cancer Research Project Grant BacterioOncology, Brain Cancer, Drug Resistance, Targeted Therapies Active
Yuval Tabach, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Project Grant Animal Modes of Cancer Active