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Shamgar Ben-Eliyahu, PhD

Shamgar Ben-Eliyahu, PhD

Grant Status

Tel Aviv University

Grant Type
Project Grant

Project Title
A Novel Clinical Perioperative Intervention to Improve DFS in Colorectal Cancer Patients

Tumor Types

Research Topics
Cancer Metastasis, Clinical and Translational Research, Colorectal Cancer, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Human Subjects, Immunology and Immunotherapy, Inflammation and Cancer

Shamgar Ben-Eliyahu, PhD is a world-recognized leader in peri-operative treatment of cancer patients and in Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (PNI), which studies the interactions between the central nervous system (CNS), endocrine system and immune system. His research focuses on the impact of stress, inflammatory responses and physiological trauma on immunity and on progression of cancer metastasis. His recent work has yielded several clinical approaches to prevent postoperative metastatic disease, which are now being tested clinically by his group and other groups around the world. Ongoing research projects in his lab include:

Clinical trials aiming to reduce postoperative cancer metastases:

  • Perioperative blockade of adrenergic and COX2 signaling in colorectal and pancreatic cancer patients
  • Psychological perioperative interventions in women with breast cancer

Translational studies:

  • Regression of cancer metastasis following excision of a primary tumor: the phenomenon, mediating mechanisms and potential novel therapeutic approaches
  • In vivo deleterious impact of CA, PGS, stress, and various aspects of surgery and anesthesia on immunity and on progression of cancer metastases
  • The use of immune stimulatory approaches in the perioperative period: medical contraindications, deleterious effects of psychological stress, and synergism with blockade of surgery-induced stress-inflammatory responses


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