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Eylon Yavin, PhD

Eylon Yavin, PhD

Grant Status

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Grant Type
Project Grant

Project Title
Development of diagnostic RNA sensors for Glioma

Tumor Types

Research Topics
Brain Cancer

About the Investigator:

The main focus of Dr. Eylon Yavin’s research group is the field of nucleic acid chemistry. They focus on the synthesis of synthetic DNA analogs termed Peptide Nucleic Acids (or PNAs for short). They design and synthesize these molecules for two major purposes: (1) as diagnostic probes that detect RNA in cancer and other diseases; and (2) as therapeutic molecules that affect splicing or down-regulate genes (antisense). He is currently an Associate Professor of Chemistry in the School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, at Hebrew University.

About the Research:

Gliomas are tumors that start in the glial cells of the brain and spinal cord. Because these tumors spread diffusely, it’s hard for surgeons to remove them completely. Even after surgery, tiny tumor cells often remain, leading to high rates of recurrence.

Dr. Yavin and his team aim to develop special RNA-specific fluorescent sensors that light up only when they bind to their RNA target. They have designed several of these sensors to detect RNA biomarkers specific to gliomas. A unique feature of these sensors is their ability to work on fresh human cancer tissues simply by spraying them onto the tissue. The fluorescence typically appears within minutes.

The goal of the Yavin lab is to develop these RNA sensors for use during glioma surgeries. These sensors should help identify the type of glioma — whether it’s aggressive or non-aggressive — and determine the boundaries between tumor and normal tissue. This information is crucial for making surgical decisions. Overall, Dr. Yavin and his team believe that these RNA probes should become groundbreaking diagnostic tools that will ultimately improve the survival rates of glioma patients.

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