ICRF has awarded more than $98 million in funding to support over 2,800 grants to outstanding cancer researchers at all leading institutions in Israel as well as collaborative research partnerships between Israeli and North American investigators. Many of our grantees are responsible for major cancer research breakthroughs and discoveries.

Recipient(s) Institution Grant Type Research Topics Grant Status
Aeid Igbaria, PhD Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Research Career Development Award Cardio-oncology, Chemotherapy, Drug Resistance Active
Ronit Ilouz, PhD Bar-Ilan University Research Career Development Award Immunology and Immunotherapy, Men’s Cancers, Prostate Cancer Active
Tali Ilovitsh, PhD Tel Aviv University Project Grant Brain Cancer Active
Fuad Iraqi, PhD Tel Aviv University Aging & Cancer Int’l Collaboration Grant Aging, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Genetics and Genomics, Obesity Active
Noah Isakov, PhD Ben-Gurion University of the Negev ICRF-City of Hope Jacki and Bruce Barron Cancer Research Scholars’ Program Grant Animal Modes of Cancer, Blood Cancers, Cell Signaling, Immunology and Immunotherapy, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Model Organisms Non-active
Shai Izraeli, MD Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel ICRF-City of Hope Jacki and Bruce Barron Cancer Research Scholars’ Program Grant Blood Cancers, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Pediatric Cancer Non-active
Shai Izraeli, MD Tel Aviv University Research Professorship Grant Brain Cancer, Leukemia, Pediatric Cancer Active
Lina Jaber, PhD Hebrew University of Jerusalem Postdoctoral Fellowship Metabolism and Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer Non-active
Orit Kaidar-Person, MD Chaim Sheba Medical Center ICRF-Conquer Cancer (The ASCO Foundation) Career Development Award AI, Breast Cancer, MRI Active
Tomer Kalisky, PhD Bar-Ilan University Project Grant Genetics and Genomics, Renal Cancer Non-active